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Thursday, April 10, 2008

Home Made Oatmeal Bath

My son, when he was 2 years old he suffered from this disease called “chicken pox.” What I used to do is bath him with that so called oathmeal bath, in a very economical way.

Instead of buying expensive oathmeal bath in the super stores, I used a white socks (athletic), I pour one cup of regular oatmeal and tie a knot on the top of socks. Then I put it in the bath water, so the soothing oils ooze into the water. The oatmeal stays in the socks and there is no mess on the drainage.

This is also soothing for your children other itchy skin conditions. Children do love to play with this squishy sock as it soothes their itchy skins.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

All the other sites about oatmeal baths talked about oils, muslin, cheesecloth, grinders, blenders and dirty tubs. Thanks for keeping it simple. My poison ivy, a sock, and some oatmeal will be in the bath shortly.