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Monday, April 7, 2008

How To Hand Wash Colored Clothes

As an active mommy I see to it that before washing the colored clothes, I checked all the stains of the clothes. Then after checking the stains I put some water in the basin and soak the clothes with water for few minutes. Then after few minutes, I have to rub the clothes so some stains can be removed, then throw the water and next is to put clean water and put some powder soap and soak it for sometime.

After soaking, try to rub those stains that are stubborn and if not removed use some colored safe Zonrox to eliminate the stains. Be sure to rub it evenly on the stains. Then after rubbing it with soap powder/detergent, rinse the clothes until the bubbles are gone. Lastly, apply some fabric conditioner to add fragrance and make the fabric softer when dried up.

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