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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Mommy's Meeting for the Graduation

This afternoon we had a meeting in the school. We discuss about the up coming graduation of the preparatory students. We mommy's appear to the principal and teacher of our children that there should be a graduation rights, because as per the Superintendent announced to the teacher that there will be no graduation for the Kinder and Preparatory students due to some parents in other school did not agree for graduation fees. And this issue was reached to the Department of Education officer, that's why they meet the teachers and not let the Kinder and Preparatory to have graduation rights only recognition is allowed.

Today, we parents write a letter to the Superintendent to allow us to have a graduation rights. We furnish a three copies of our signature and sent to the Superintendent so they will allow us to have a graduation. We mommy's are excited to have a graduation, by seeing our kids wearing toga, we're very excited to see them marching and one more is only one time they experience this occasion during their early childhood.

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